+254704244244 +254111244244
244 - 30100 Eldoret, Kenya
244 - 30100 Eldoret, Kenya
+254704244244 +254111244244

ICT Departmental Staff Members

The Department of ICT was established in the year 2009. In ICT department Our clients are the students, our department recognize that it exist because of this clientele; we are therefore in the business of mentoring this greatest asset. We recognize that in any country the world’s biggest innovators are the youth. ICT department deal with the youths and we have recognized the great potential these people have. We also recognize that given the opportunity and resources, our students’ creativity has no limit. In order to help our students realize their potential, our greatest asset remains a motivated workforce and excellent ICT infrastructures. The department will therefore Endeavor to develop this human asset that most times is greatly ignored, so as to achieve its mission. Like a cook whose success is measured by appreciation of what he cooks, our success will be measured in terms of the success of our graduates. The success of our graduates will attest to the success of our department. 

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